Headstones are monuments to our ancestors and a link to both family ties and our history. Many people have an interest in taking photographs of tombstones and a good quality photograph is desirable when you're researching ancestry information or documenting headstones and grave markers. Hopefully, you will find these tips helpful.


  1. Be thoughtful when visiting a cemetery. Before you even set forth on your gravestone photography expedition, spare a thought for cemetery etiquette and do the right thing so that others may enjoy this experience too.
    • Park your car in an appropriate place. It is better to walk a distance than to park in a poorly chosen space.
    • Do not wander around with your equipment if there is a committal or graveside service in progress.
    • If you move any flowers or remembrance items to get your photograph, remember to replace them before leaving.
  2. A good digital camera that has auto-focus, flash, adjustable light settings, and zoom. Optical zoom is best because it allows you to get the most details in an image but it will cost more for such a camera and it is a battery depleting element.[1] The Association for Gravestone Studies recommends a 35mm SLR fitted with a 50-55mm lens or a wide angle 35mm lens for crowded graveyard sites.[2] Have enough memory or take along extra cards if you think you might run out.
    • Prefer a camera with an LCD monitor. This will allow you to check before going home that you have got all of the information you want captured taken clearly. If you can't read the inscription or it's out of focus, you'll know straight away.
  3. This is the most important step as the fine details of the headstone are what you're keen to capture.
  4. 4
    Familiarize yourself with different kinds of surfaces. Be aware that different surfaces photograph differently, some better than others. Shiny metallic surfaces will reflect a lot of light and will require more care to avoid getting nothing more than a blur of sunshine, while dull stone surfaces will often need dampening to help bring out the inscription clearly. Check your photos after taking them to see what adjustments need to be made for the headstone surface.
  5. Don't use anything other than pure clean water. Many gravestone surfaces are porous and fragile, such as granite, marble, sandstone, slate, etc.; part of their charm is also part of their fragility, so be extremely careful when attempting to clean or brighten them up. It's fine to spritz a little water onto the inscription to bring out the inscription more clearly or to clean it. Wipe off the surface of the stone with cotton cloth, natural sponge, or a kitchen towel and leave the engraving damp. Allow the surface to dry a bit, and the damp engraving will appear slightly darker. If you have a very soft brush, you might consider using it on non-flaking gravestone surfaces to remove dust build-up or soil.
    • Do not use shaving cream. It will leave a residue of stearic acid that may stain or actually damage the stone (especially if it's granite or marble). This is considered vandalism.
    • Do not use chalk or charcoal directly on the stone. A memorial marker is not an appropriate place for graffiti; moreover, the pigments used in chalk can stain permanently (as can plaster of Paris). Do not use anything gritty or harsh that could remove any part of the headstone.
    • Be very careful if grave rubbing. First, be aware this can damage old headstones and that it is illegal in some States in the USA and possibly in other places. If it is permissible, do so with great care and avoid doing it on any headstones that appear fragile, very old, and in disrepair. To do a gravestone rubbing, place a very large sheet of clean paper over the face of the stone. Then, using the side of the chalk, very gently create a rubbing that leaves an image of the marker on the paper. Always supervise children who do this and ensure that they are very careful with pressing and standing around the grave site.
  6. Digital cameras free you up to take lots of photographs, some of which won't work out as well as others and some of which simply serve as a record rather than a photo of any beauty. Make use of this ability to take various shots of the headstone from differing angles and distances. Take photographs of the section of the cemetery so that you can document the location of the grave. Take a photograph of the entire cemetery from a distance and of the cemetery sign or entrance to document the name and location of the cemetery.
    • You may need to take several shots of some headstones to get all of an inscription. In this case, the panoramic feature of a camera capable of such an operation or phone such as an iPhone can come in handy. If you have an iPhone, carry it with you.
  7. Statues can tell a lot about who a person was and how they are remembered. Flowers, plants, and other parts of a stone's environment can also enhance the picture.

Community Q&A

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    How do I enhance pictures of a marble headstone inscription that is virtually invisible?
    Community Answer
    You can try looking for the light in a way that will cast shadows on the inscriptions. They're usually hard to see in marble when sunlight is shining on it, but when there's a cloud in front of it and you take the photo at an angle, you should be able to see the inscription. It really all depends on the light, though.
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  • Photograph smooth and shiny granite gravestones at an angle to avoid getting a reflection of yourself. You can also wear dark clothing to minimize your reflection.
  • Be aware that many gravestones are not straight due to settling. If you want your photograph to show it as straight, you can try to account for this while taking the photo by slanting the camera, or you can fix it back home with a photo program on your computer.
  • If you know how to work with photographic filters, then use them; otherwise, don't over-complicate the experience.


  • Don't use household cleaners on gravestones. Many contain chemicals that have the potential to damage the stones.
  • Don't attempt to power wash or pick off lichen. Doing so can remove the delicate surfaces permanently.
  • Don't try removing graffiti yourself; this is best left to professionals. However, do alert those responsible for maintaining the graveyard of what you've seen.
  • The more flush an inscription, the harder it can be to photograph if it is too dark or too bright.
  • If removing weeds and other debris, do so with care. Also, seek permission before tidying up graves that aren't your own family's in origin. There may already be people tending them and they might not appreciate their efforts being moved or changed. Of course, if it's clear that the graveyard hasn't been tended for a long time, your input with a little weed tidying and cherishing will be much appreciated. Watch for poison ivy and other irritating plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Camera and associated equipment, lighting props
  • Gloves if you want to keep your hands clean when touching headstones (disposables will work)
  • Sunscreen and bug repellent
  • Hat
  • Compass (optional, but helpful)
  • GPS device to record specific locations (optional)
  • Snacks and water (optional)
  • Kneeling pad if you are going to be kneeling for shots a lot
  • Notebook and marker, clean paper and pencil for taking rubbings
  • Relevant information about the graveyard, maps, plans, etc.
  • Paper towels, natural sponge, or cotton cloth for wiping headstones, water for spritzing
  • Garden shears and an empty trash bag for clearing away weeds from headstones.
  • Sensible shoes - you may be walking a lot and may have to deal with hills, tree roots, rocks and uneven ground.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 83,364 times.
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Updated: January 31, 2023
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